Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chapter Seventy-Three: Death and all his friends

Jon wrapped the sheet tightly around himself while Richard called in the trace of the call. His heart was hammering inside his ears. She had escaped? He couldn’t believe it, she was the hero. The issue was now they had to find her before Jared did. Oh god they had to find her.

“I’ve got a trace!” Richard exclaimed collecting his things. “Pelham Bay Park?”

Jon stared at him and rubbed the two days stubble on his chin. “The Bronx. She’s alone out there in the middle of the damn Bronx?” Fuck.

“I’ve got an address, let’s get over there.”

Jon took two steps at a time back up to the bedroom, threw on a pair of jeans, a cap and a hoodie. Christ, what the hell were they getting themselves into? It was two-am and they were headed out to one of the no-go places after dark in the city. He stuffed a wad of bills into his jeans pocket along with his credit card and phone. He picked up his Swiss-Army pocket knife and paused. Would he need this?

He dropped it. Who was he kidding he’d never use it. He tied on some runners and jogged back down to Richard who was coated up and ready to go.

“Do you know what you’re doing? I mean what we’re walking into?”

“I do. I understand.”

Jon’s eyes widened and he swallowed hard as Richard tucked a handgun into his jacket. “Jesus Christ, I don’t even want to know.”

“Let’s go Jon.”

Jon called for a town car to collect them at the address that Richard had for the payphone but they would taxi it over as there was no time to lose.

He bowed his head into his hands in the car.

Please God, I know you’ve been kind to me over the years but please let us get out of this alive. All of us.

The streets whizzed past as they headed up the northeast route. They were crazy, some would say insane for even doing this without police back up but he had to trust Richard’s advice to keep this as simple as possible. No matter how deadly it might become.

His belly flip-flopped at the thought of her being holed up in god-knows where for two days. Parts of the Bronx weren’t places for a young woman, hell-any woman to be alone after dark. He picked at the denim on his knee and wondered if this was the right thing to do. He did have children to think about but hell he couldn’t stay tucked away and let Richard go it alone, it wasn’t his style.

Raindrops splattered the windshield of the car as they headed north. Since traffic was deserted for this time of morning they made it with twenty five minutes.

The narrower streets of ghetto housing slid past his back passenger window. It wasn’t all bad up here, the stories and the media blew it out of proportion most of the time. Sure there were some parts you just didn’t go to and there were affiliated gangs in the neighbouring areas. He crossed his hands and took a deep breath.

“Are we nearly there?” He asked the driver. Scattered people around the streets made him nervous, if it wasn’t Jared then Devon was at risk being out here alone. He’d read the news. He knew what happened in these parts. Especially to single white-females.

“Sure thing, Pelham Bay Park is just through here. You want me to drop you anywhere specific?” The cabby asked. Richard leaned forward and gave him the exact location and the cab made a right and then a left turn down a road, shadowed by trees.

“Here you go.”

Jon dug for some bills and handed the cabby a generous tip and then eyed them both.

“Thanks - you sure this is where you guys want to be?”

Jon nodded. “We’re sure.” He checked his watch. “Do you think you could wait until a town car turns up? Just in case we need you to leave again. I’m collecting a friend.”

The cabby checked his rear view mirror. “I can wait. For a twenty.”

Jon handed him one. “Thanks. Appreciated.”

Jon and Richard stepped out of the cab and immediately shouts could be heard from one of the neighbouring houses along with a scream.

“Guys-you’re on your own. I’ve got kids.” The cabby sped off and Jon cursed.

“Son of a bitch.”

“It’s ok.” Richard looked up. “This must be the payphone she called from.”

Jon pulled his hood over his head and followed Richard. “There’s no sign of her. Devon?” He called looking around praying to god that she would appear from somewhere. They had to find her and then they had to get the hell out of here before they got approached.


Devon shivered as the rain fell and the wind chased around her ankles. She sat huddled under a stoop that kept her semi-sheltered. The house looked pretty abandoned but she couldn’t be sure. She didn’t know how much time had passed but she just hoped that her father and Jon would find her soon. She wanted to go home. She wanted to go home and live.

If Jared found her now, she knew she would be pretty much dead. Her skin was cold, wet and teeth chattered trying to stay warm. She should move, get closer to the phone booth in case they came. Oh god how much she wanted them to come.

She stood and wrapped her arms around herself and walked back down the alley. She stopped as car lights bled onto the road and a car rolled slowly to a stop. She crouched hidden around the corner and out of sight from anyone that could find her.

There was a scream and the car sped off but she heard the sound of shoes crunching on gravel and waited a little longer. Muffled voices until there was one loud and clear.


She leapt and almost screamed in relief for him but she never got the chance. A hand snaked hard around her waist from behind and dragged her back two steps while another one cupped her mouth.

“Another word-another word and you are dead. You hear me?” She closed her eyes as cold steel pressed against her temple.

She sobbed but he didn’t drag her back any further. “So the cavalry came? As per usual your father is bailing you out and fuck you must be good in bed because I don’t know why the hell that other stupid idiot is so worried about you. He’s an idiot. And one that’s about to pay.”

She struggled to breathe through her nose and tears stung her eyes. So close. She was so close from this nightmare ending and now it was slipping through her fingers.

“I have been in hell because of you. I tried to give you an easy way out of this but you had to do it your way so now it’s time for your hell.”

She tried to speak but he wouldn’t take his hand away from her mouth. He pushed them forward out onto the street.

“Hey fuckers.” He announced as Jon and her father looked up and Jon’s eyes met hers. The connection immediately hit her deep in the chest but she was so afraid of Jared was going to do.

“Devon-shit.” Both of them took a step back and raised their hands.

“Jared. Listen to me. You need to let her go.” Richard said calmly. “Let her go and we let you go.”

Jared laughed. “Like I’m about to believe that old number. You can go fuck yourself if you think I’m that stupid. The only stupid thing I ever did was trust your stupid bitch of a daughter here.”

She screamed under his hand as he tightened his grip on her and pushed the gun harder against her temple. Tears spilled from her eyes as she watched Jon so helpless. He wanted to help her but he couldn’t. No one could.

“Jared listen to me. We’ll let you go. Hell we’ll even give you the money.”

Jon nodded. “I could give you a million straight away. If you come with us.”

Jared snickered. “It’s not enough. It’s over. She had her chance to make this right and she blew it. So now she must choose.”

The blood drained from her face and she closed her eyes as she knew with unbearable dread what was coming. Her feet were throbbing but her body was numb.

“You pick which one you want to live Devon. And I’ll kill the other. I don’t fucking even care about the prison time. It will be enough knowing I took something away from you.”

“Whoa-hey now son. Is that what you really want? There is a difference between first degree murder and illegally entering a country Jared. You have the chance to run. We’re giving you that.” Her father tried to calmly talk him down.

“I don’t care. Fucking pick one!”

Her chest heaved and her heart sobbed. She would never do it. The two people she loved most in the world were standing there and Jared had played his final hand. She would never be able to live with it. If one of them died it would be because of her. Her father who had sacrificed everything for her to keep her safe or Jon who had loved her whole heartedly even in spite of her flaws. No one she knew would make this choice and she wasn’t about to either.

She saw the fear in Jon’s eyes and it broke her heart that he was even here, even if it was for her. He didn’t deserve this.

Jared released his hand from her mouth. “Who’s it going to be?”

“Jared-I beg you. Don’t do this.” She cried.

He clicked the gun and aimed it forward.

“Is it him? Your prissy boyfriend.” He waved the gun in Jon’s direction. “Or dearest father. If he hadn’t interfered in the first place none of this would have happened.”

“I-can’t.” She sobbed. “Jared please. This is life you’re talking about not a few years in prison but life.”

“You screwed me over and ruined my life Devon. You came over here and lived the life we were supposed to live. I have to take that away from you, can’t you see that?”

“Then shoot me.”

Devon looked up as her father took a step forward. “Shoot me. Since it’s my fault. My fault I interfered in your relationship.”

Jared mused quietly. “It was your fault. She would have never chickened out if it wasn’t for you. You treated her like child and all she wanted was you to back the hell off.”

It was all lies. Devon knew that now and so did her father but Jared’s warped brain didn’t make any sense of it all. She trembled against his grasp, she fought the bile that boiled in her throat. She’d never forgive herself if he shot her father.

“It was my fault.” Her father quietly repeated as she met his gaze. He nodded and she slowly shook her head and blinked the tears.


“Make the choice Devon. Make the choice or I’ll kill them both.”

“Kill me.” She pleaded. “I’m the one that you want.”

“Devon-no!” Jon crouched down with his hands on his face.

He dragged her closer and pressed his lips against her forehead. “Too easy sweetheart. I’m not letting you out of this so easy.” The grasp around her neck tightened as she struggled to breathe.

Jon’s eyes teared as he nodded and she nodded back. No words were necessary. She loved him and he loved her. None of this was ever meant to happen, not to him. Not to the man that saved her from everything including herself.

“I’m running out of patience here. You never did like your father so I don’t know why you are so emotional about it.”

Her father stared at her. But it wasn’t a sad stare. She’d seen it before. Years ago when they used to gang up on her mother. He’d give her a look before he did something and it made her heart race. She had to give them that chance. She stared again and he nodded slightly.
She stepped back, closed her eyes and rammed one of her feet down on his boot.

He shouted in pain. “You fucking bitch!” His grip released and she fell to the ground, her palms grating on concrete as three gunshots were fired. She stayed down scared to look, scared to look up and see if the two people she loved dead on the road.

Please god. Please god.

The shots rung in her ears and she kept her eyes closed until hands hauled her up by the shoulders. She was swept into strong arms and she held on for dear life. The smell was familiar, spice mixed in with rain. She looked up and sobbed when blue eyes stared back at her.

“You’re ok, we’re ok.”

Tears spilled. “Dad?” She twisted around, her heart in her throat.

“I’m right here Devon.”

She turned and saw her father standing there still holding a handgun. “God-Dad!” Oh god. Jared lay motionless sprawled on the pavement in a pool of blood.

“Is he-”

Richard nodded. “I’m pretty sure of it.”

“Oh god.” She burst into tears as she hugged her father. His gun fell to the ground and he wrapped his arms hard around her. “You saved us.” She whispered.

“He would have killed all of us in a heartbeat Devon. I wasn’t risking it.”

“I love you Daddy. How will I ever be able to repay you for this?” What did this mean? Her father had just killed someone.

He held her at arm's length by her shoulders. “By living your life the way you are. I’m so proud of you baby girl.”

She shook her head. “I don’t deserve it.”

“Stop that. Yes you do. I’m going to fine. Jared was threatening to kill you and Jon. I had to step in and that’s how the police will see it.”

“Will they? What if you go to jail?” Her hands shook.

“Shhh. Just shhh. You’re in shock.” He slipped off his jacket and draped it around her. “The police will be here soon. I’ll get them to come to the penthouse. They’ll want a statement.”

“But how will all this work out?”

He rubbed her shoulders. “Only as his ex-girlfriend that left the country when he was put in jail. You are no longer charged remember. They can’t prove it. This is open and shut as it gets.”

“Richard, how can I ever thank you? Do you need me to get you a lawyer? I’m happy to pay for anything.” Jon butted in and stood behind Devon. The weight behind her was a comfort.

“God-I’m sorry.” She wrapped her arms back around Jon. “Please help him anyway we can.”

“Thanks. That would be appreciated.”

The police cars arrived within minutes and a quiet street in the Bronx was transformed into a scene that rivalled any movie scene. Richard talked to the police while Jon stood with Devon.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that...Jon I don’t know what I would have done if-”

He grabbed her hands and squeezed them. “Hey. Don’t worry about that now. It’s over. Are you ok Devon? I mean are you really ok? He didn’t-”

She shook her head. “No. I’m ok.” She may have been ok on the outside but inside she was a mess. She wanted to scream, she wanted to be happy this was over but her father was taking the blame for this. What if he spent the rest of his life in jail? She almost got Jon killed. She was not ok.

His hand cupped her cheek and his thumb scraped away the tears that came. “I’m so happy to see you.”

“Me too. I’m so cold…” She stuttered.

“I know. Me too. Your Dad’s right you’re in shock- just breathe Dev. I’ll hold you.” He shook with her and the thought of losing him was still so real she hoped it would go away. She held onto his hands tight and rested her head against his chest as the police combed the area. She was happy it was over but was indifferent about how she felt.


  1. Oh WOW! Finally Jared's been dealt with, but why do I get the feeling that this is not the end of the story. I have this nasty feeling that the police won't see it as Richard said they would.

  2. WOW Jared finally got paid back in a BIG WAY by being shot by Richard and I don't think this is going to be a closed case like Richard thinks it will because the cops will be questioning everyone involved.

  3. A great chapter, i could see it all like a movie!!! Even the rain on the windscreen of the taxi, i could picture it all. I hope Devon's Dad is ok, pretty sure he will be. And now Jon and Devon can get on with their lives hopefully and maybe honeymoon in NZ, lol.


  4. I'm glad he is dead!
    Hopefully Richard will not be charged. And Devon needs some peace and quiet. Jon, time to get her away!

  5. Poor Devon right now she is in shock but I wonder how she is going to feel when the shock subsides? Will she feel guilty for her father and Jon almost being killed?
    All I can say is this chapter was well written. I could envision the whole thing in my head, that's not easy to do for me. Bravo on a chapter well done!

  6. Story over? No way - now it just begins I hope ;-))

    Thank god Jared is dead. Hope Richard is right and that he won´t be charged!

    Great Chapter!!!

  7. OMG!!!...I just read the last 2 chapters...they had me on the edge of my seat..Poor Devon...Poor Jon...Oh & whats gonna happen to Daddy now???....This would make a brilliant Movie...Great Work Kiwi!!!!

  8. Boy am I glad that's over. Let's hope Richard is right and he won't be charged. As for Devon...Jon take that woman away. Somewhere exotic & romantic. You both need some time away.

    Great Chapter Kiwi.

  9. Thank you for not leaving it as a cliff hanger! As I was reading, I was dreading the end.....

    Brilliant Job!

  10. Wow! Played out just like in the movies! Awesome chapter, full of tension and drama. Hope a little luuuuurve is headed Devon's way soon. Loving this story!

  11. Kiiiiwwwwwiiiii! Come back here!

  12. Cming! Should be tmrw xxxoo thanks again for all the wonderful comments and patience!


Will you share her secret?