Monday, July 16, 2012

Chapter Seventy-One: Road to Nowhere

Seconds were like hours, minutes like days and moments like lifetimes as she waited for Jared to come back. Her arms throbbed and her wrists were raw from the constant struggle with rope that she was losing. She could kill for a drink of water as her throat was like she’d swallowed a ball of sawdust.

Where was she? She tried to listen for traffic or anything that would give her an idea where they were but all there was the hum of the air conditioner. The room was basic and she was tied up on the double bed and from where she could reach to see there was a table and chairs next to a bathroom.

Her gaze flicked over to the bathroom one last time before she closed her eyes again and tried to rest. Her strength was fading and god knows how long she would be left like this. She sighed as she saw him in the distance standing on the beach, his arms in his pockets smiling broadly at her. His hair was a little lighter and his face had been kissed by the sun.

“Hey you.” His silky smoky voice filled her with more warmth than the sunshine that was beating down on her.

“Hey...” She managed. She knew it wasn’t real. She knew that the warm sand that was pooling around her toes was nothing more than the edges of the dusty blanket at the end of the bed. She knew that the sea salted air that whipped through her hair was nothing more than the breeze from the weak air conditioning unit.

“I’m here for you baby.” He held his hand out and she could almost reach it. Their finger tips brushed and her heart sank.

“I’m scared.”

“Be strong. I’ll find you. You know I always do.”

“I’m not strong Jon, not for this.”

“Yes you are. Just hold on.”

He was slammed out of her head as her eyes opened and Jared walked in. “Hey, look who is awake.”

His eyes ran over her and up to her wrists. He grabbed one quickly. “Think you can try and get yourself out of this one huh?”

She gasped as he squeezed it tight before he dropped it back down and sat next to her on the bed.

“Amazing the things that they teach you in prison. Unbreakable knots. Learnt that incase I wanted to hang myself or someone else.” His eyebrows wiggled.

She swallowed and closed her eyes but he shook her.

“Stay awake I need you to talk soon. I have a job for you.”

She mumbled against the gag and to her surprise he tugged it down from her mouth but not at a price. The tip of the knife glinted in the light.

“Try anything and I will slit your throat, are we clear?”

She nodded and took a deep hard breath without obstruction. “Oh God.” She croaked.

He lifted a water bottle to her lips. “Drink it.”

She had no time to even consider if it was water or poison but she didn’t care. Her body craved in and much to her relief it was and it soothed her throat.

He capped it and leaned over her. “Got nothing to say to me huh? After all these years.”

Her heart jammed in her throat. She knew if she showed weakness he would exploit it. “Why this Jared? Do you think you’ll really make it out of the country alive?”

He laughed. “You are not seriously asking me why, are you? I think you know why.”

“You need money?”

“Of course I need fucking money.” He snapped. “Good choice on the rock-star by the way. The only question is how much is he willing to pay me?” He grinned down at her and swept a lock of her hair away from her face. “Will you really be worth what I ask him for?” He shrugged. “Maybe not. Maybe he’ll cut his losses and move on.”

“And what-you’ll kill me?”

Jared laughed and rubbed his knee. “Oh that’s too easy lovely. Way too easy.” His thumb traced over her lip. “If he doesn’t want you. I’ll take you with me. It’s the least I can do to pay you back for the three years of hell I went through.”

“Jared I’m sorry for that.” It was the truth, she was sorry it had to come to that but she had no choice in the end.
“Oh spare me your pity and apologies. You know what you did and I’ll give you the credit for it. I always thought you were a spinless little bitch but you proved me wrong there in the end.”

“I should have broken up with you earlier.” She whispered as she winced. Her arms were seriously cramping.

“So you could run home to Daddy?”

“I was an idiot to ever believe you and that is something I’ll regret for the rest of my life. More than taking the money and running.” She foolishly hoped it hurt him.

Jared paced the room. “Shut up! Just shut up. You need to fix this and you need to fix this now or I swear to God Devon I will fuck you up so bad that you’ll beg me to kill you.”

Her belly flip flopped as she forced the fear back down. She couldn’t lose it, he’d get too much enjoyment from it. He’d know he was winning whatever sick game he was playing. She had to believe she would walk away from this no matter how hopeless it seemed right now.

She licked her lips and swallowed again. “What is it you want Jared? How much?” She didn’t even know if Jon was willing to hand over his well earned money to save her. Would she really be saved? Would he let her go if he got any money at all?

“I think a million for every year you’ve been away makes good business sense to me. And right now, you’re going to call him and tell him this. He’s got forty-eight hours to do it.”

“And if not?” She asked. “How will that ever get what you want? You’ll be screwed even if you take me with you, we’ll have no money.”

“I told you bitch. Shut up!”

He held her phone and dialled Jon’s number. “Now you will tell him he has forty-eight hours to get me five million dollars and I will be disconnecting the call before father dearest can trace it.” He held the phone away for a second. “And I mean it. No funny business.”

She nodded and held her breath as the phone rang, her lifeline. She needed to hear his voice. It rang a few times before it clicked. Her heart raced and leapt into her throat as his voice came on the line. She forced back the tears that threatened to spill.

“Hello?” He asked cautiously.

“Jon.” Her voice wavered but took a deep breath to hold it steady. “Jon, it’s me.”

“Devon! Where -god-are you ok? Has he hurt you?”

The wave of concern rushed down the line and over her like a comforting warm blanket. “I’m ok.” She said quietly.

“God-Devon I’m so sorry, where are you?” She’d never heard the panic in his voice before until now.
“Enough chit-chat” Jared growled behind her.

“Five million dollars in forty-eight hours.” She relayed to Jon.

“What? The fucking prick. You don’t worry about Devon we’ll get this sorted. You just stay strong for me ok?”

“Five million dollars, forty-eight hours to get it.” She repeated quietly, she was on the verge of tears but she held strong.

“You listen to me Devon. I will find you and when I do he will pay a thousand times over for what he’s doing to you ok? I love you and if he hurts you I’ll fucking kill him myself. You hear me? So hang on for me baby. Hang on because we’ll find you.”

*click* Jared pressed the disconnect call button. She took a deep breath.

“Touching.” Jared grinned. “Too bad he will never find me. That was under thirty seconds.”

“I need to use the bathroom.” Her voice shook but she needed a minute. Away from him, away from his stare. A minute to fall apart.

Jared sneered. “There are no windows in there so don’t even think about it.” He reached over her and cut the ropes. “But I won’t deny you the basic comforts because that’s just the big man I am.” He held her wrists and lifted her off the bed and towards the bathroom. When the door slammed behind her she was blessedly alone. She sank to the floor in a pile and sobbed silently into her arm.

She needed Jon, she hated how much she needed him but she did. He had been the one that made her believe in herself and in the world again. Away from the darkness of her past and now it was back here in her future.

You have to stay strong

She had to or she was as good as off dead right now. She rubbed her wrists that were raw from the rope biting into them and her stretched her arms as she stood steadily and took care of her business. She washed up, the cold water a relief to her hot skin. She let the cold beads of water trickle down her face and stared at herself in the cracks in the mirror but jumped when the fists banged on the door behind her.

“Hurry up Devon. No funny business.”

She straightened herself up and looked at herself one more time in the mirror and took a deep breath. “I can do this.”

“Coming.” She opened the door and Jared grabbed her by the shoulder and shoved her towards the bed. She saw the door to her freedom briefly and took a chance. She jammed her elbow back into him and leaped towards the door. He swore and shouted as she fumbled with the lock to get out. She didn’t dare look behind her as her hand landed on the door handle. She twisted it once and then lost her footing as he grabbed her from behind tumbling her backwards against him. His arm came around her neck and she held her tight against him.

“That was a big fucking mistake girl. A big one.” She screamed with everything she had in the vain hope someone would hear them and tried to wrestle from his grip but failed.

“Let me go. You’ll fuck up your own life for this.”

She was shoved forward and he spun her around and slammed her against the door. She cried out as the hook dug into her back. His palm cupped her face and held her head hard against the door. He brought knee between her legs and pinned her there.

“You ever try that shit again and you will be sorry. Am I clear?” He squeezed her jaw until she nodded and then released it. His eyes flicked down to her lips and then to her eyes and he pressed his lips against hers.

“You sure you don’t want one last fuck?” he asked. “You were always good in the sack.”

She shook her head and stopped the bile in her throat. “Please.” Anything but that.

He laughed. “Pity.” And slammed her head against the door. It didn’t knock her out but she slid down the door and the room spun out of control. He picked her back up and carried her to the bed. She feebly tried to struggle but the darkness was calling. He roughly twisted the rope around her wrists and her head was pushed against the pillow. Jared leaned over and his finger ran down her cheek.

“Night night sunshine.”


  1. I can't stand Jared....I think he is just SLIME!!! Jon and Richard better find Devon before it's too late. I have a feeling Jared wants to hurt her in a BIG way.

    Great 2 chapters Kiwi! You ROCK :)

  2. Jared I hope Jon tears you apart with his own hands when he finds you. Devon please stay strong because Jon will find you and when he does then you can put the past behind and start fresh. Another incredible chapter Kiwi.

  3. Wow Kiwi...Bring on the Knight & White Horse...Grrr Jared...what a slime ball..So well written cos Im guessing thats how we are meant to be feeling about him...Hang in there Devon...Im sure Kiwi has help coming!!!..great story Kiwi...

  4. OMG!!! Need a RESCUE chapter - stat! Hang on in there, Dev - your Superman is coming soon (I hope!)

  5. Devon hang on! Your superman is on a mission! - I hope! -

  6. Another great chapter Kiwi. As for you Jared, your days are numbered pal....I hope. Stay strong Devon.

  7. I knew it would be bad when I read the title. Jared is a dead man when Jon and Richard find him, a very dead man

  8. All I have to say is imagine being in that situation and hearing Jon's voice to calm you down? chills. Jared be afraid, be very afraid!

  9. Are we getting an update soon? You kinda left us hangin here!!!! I gotta know what happens and soon!!!


Will you share her secret?