Thursday, August 23, 2012

Chapter Seventy-Six: Patience

Devon scraped the knife after smearing two bagels with cream cheese and jam. Carefully she poured two coffees and carried them back up to the bedroom. The sun was streaming into the penthouse and the day looked spectacular. The niggle in her belly told her she should have been out in it but she couldn’t even contemplate it.

It would go away. She was sure. But the feeling of dread that crept over her skin every time she thought about leaving the apartment was real. Jared was dead reminded herself.

Jon was propped up in bed, on the phone, with the sheet pooled around his waist. He grinned when she walked in.

“I’ll tell her that. She just walked in. I will. Thanks, Richard.”

“That was Dad?” She asked laying the tray down.

“He only had a minute. He’s still in custody and he’s had his statement taken. We don’t have to give one. Richard will be released this afternoon.”

“What? How?” She breathed in relief.

“He gave the statement that he came to New Zealand to protect you. He knew Jared had followed you over here after differences in the case.”

“Differences?” Devon asked as she sat on the side of the bed. “You mean I ran and he got jailed.”

“They don’t know that. They contacted the New Zealand Police. Remember, your father covered it up.”

She covered her face. “I should be grateful for that. I know I am...”

“Devon. It’s over. What’s done is done. He’s free and acquitted on self-defense. It’s over. We’re ok.”

She stood and paced by the windows. “I don’t—t’s over?” Confusion muddled her brain. It didn’t feel right.

Jon patted the side of the bed. “Yes. C’mere. And serve me that breakfast.”

She climbed back onto the bed and slid the tray over. It was de-ja-vu all over again. Jon rubbed her arm and she managed a small smile.

“You found bagels in my house?” He picked up one of the halves and crunched into it.

“I did. It’s over?” She asked again.

Jon laughed. “Yes. Your father is fine. He’ll be around later to visit. He can’t wait to see you.”

Her Daddy was safe. And he’d saved her--them both. Again. She poured a coffee and laid back into the pillows beside him. It felt strange.

“You ok?”

She nodded. “Of course. I guess I didn’t expect it to work out. I never expected anything to work out and it keeps on doing it. Does that sound weird?”

“Not at all. We’re good people Devon. We deserve happy endings. I haven’t worked my ass off to get anything less than that.”

She took a quiet sip. “I guess not.”

Jon reached over to the bedside. “I believe this belongs to you.”

She looked down and saw the ring he’d given her in the palm of his hand. “The stairwell.” Her heart beat faster. “I pulled it off as he grabbed me.” She closed her eyes and tried to block it out.

“And I found it. Things that are meant to be with each other have a habit of always coming back.” He slid it onto her right ring finger. “Including you and me. That and you make good coffee, so you can stay.”

She rested her hand on his and forced a little laugh. “You always did like my coffee.” Jon’s phone buzzed, he lifted it and frowned.

“Work stuff?”

“It can wait,” he said. “I’ll call them later on.”

“You’re supposed to be recording this week aren’t you? God.”

“Hey, it’s ok. A few days isn’t going to hurt.”

She knew he’d do anything for her--that was the problem. She was so happy to have him here, but also knew she was keeping him from his duties. “If you have to pop out--just for a bit--It’s ok.”

His phone buzzed again and he cleared it and scratched his head. “I need to meet with the studio. It would only be for a couple of hours. Maybe when you’re father is here I can do that. So you’re not alone.”

“I’m not crazy,” she snapped. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that.” God. She was losing it.

“I know you’re not, Dev. You’ve been through hell.”

“Dad can stay with me. I’ll be fine. It’s ok.”

He paused and looked at her before tapping his phone. “It won’t be long. I’ll need to reset my dates and target times and then it’ll be done. We weren’t going to be here anyway. We were supposed to be on a tropical island.”

“Because of me again.” She sighed.

“You’re a silly girl sometimes, Miss Devon. You oughta know by now I do this because I love you. Not because I have to.”

She leaned in and kissed him gently. “I honestly don’t know how I would have done all this without you. Which is scary for me. I’m so used to doing everything alone.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you don’t have to anymore. And neither do I.”

“This is it huh?” She asked as her chest eased. Her living with Jon and living happily ever after. Just like that. It seemed a little too surreal.

He smiled broadly and rolled into her. She sank down into the pillows, his weight a welcome pressure. He pushed back her hair and kissed her forehead. “And is that so bad? Just you and me?” She giggled as he kissed her once. “Oh, and my crazy life. But you’re used to that by now.”

“I think I gave you a run for your money on the crazy.” She smoothed her hands over his shoulders and her thumbs drifted over the faded ink of his tattoos. “You know what they say…you attract what you are.”

She slapped his arm lightly. “Watch it!”

His eyes searched hers before he chuckled.

“What?” She asked.

“It can wait.” His hand slid up her thigh, silk bunching in his hand and lifted her leg over his hip.

She tipped her head back and groaned as he kissed down the arch of her neck. Her nipples pricked as the friction between his chest hair and her tips made her tingle. It was so easy to dive right in and make him make her forget and feel safe again that she didn’t give it a second thought.


Jon double checked the door locks as he left the penthouse before heading downtown to the studio. Richie was already there waiting for him. He stepped out onto the pavement and thanked his driver.

Richie didn’t usually come with him to studio meetings, but he figured since Richie was in town he’d use the support. As usual, Richie was more than eager to help out.

“Hey, man.” He slapped a handshake with Richie, leaned in and patted his back. “Thanks, Rich. Sorry this week has been a mess.”

Richie frowned. “Seriously. Don’t sweat. How is Devon doing anyway?”

Jon shrugged. “Okay, I think. She’s happy to be home.” Jon checked his watch. “We’ve got five minutes, wanna grab a coffee?”

“Sure.” Richie fell into step with him as they walked down to Starbucks.

“You don’t sound convinced. She has to be pretty messed up after being kidnapped like that though, right?”

“Of course she is. It’ll take her a few days to come around and get back to normal.”

Richie held the door open for him and smiled as a couple of girls giggled as they walked out. “Right. And you? You’re all good?”

Jon raised his brow and stepped in after Richie. “Yeah, I’m good. I’m just a little worried about her. She’s a little clingy, but that’s gotta be normal.”

“You don’t do clingy, Jon.” Richie leaned over and ordered their coffees.

Jon chuckled. “No, but she’ll come around. I don’t mind being the strong one. It’s the least I can do for her.”

Jon’s phone beeped. “Speaking of which.” A text from Devon. Her father hadn’t shown up yet. Jon quickly tapped back that he was sure her dad would be there very soon and to relax. Maybe it was a bad idea leaving her alone.

“She okay?”

“Yeah. Her father is coming over shortly. She’ll be fine.”

“Thank God he was with you guys. It could have been a completely different ending otherwise.”

Jon half-smiled as he took his latte and smiled at a few on lookers as they left. Richie was right it could have been far worse. They owed Richard a lot. Richie didn’t know all of it and they had decided to keep most of it just between the three of them. Richie would understand.

“It could have been. We’re very lucky and I’m glad her dad’s going to be okay.”

“Thank God. But I gotta say I’d do the same for Ava if it came down to it.”

Jon grinned. “Yeah you would.”

“And you would with Steph. How is she doing by the way?”

Jon winced. He’d been a bit out of touch with his kids over the last week. “She’s doing good. Loving the work experience Devon set up for her. I’m scared shitless she’s going to tell me she’s not going to college next.”

Richie laughed. “She knows better than that.”

“A-fucking-men.” They were almost back at the studio when his phone vibrated again. Devon again.

“You sure you’re ok to do this?”

“Yes, fine. She’s just texting me.” Jon typed back a text and flipped his phone cover again. “She’s just stressed. That’s expected, right?”

Richie gave him a sympathetic smile. “Telling me or asking me?”

“Telling you of course.” He stopped in the lobby of the studios and ran his hand through his hair. “Shit. Maybe I should have waited for Richard to show up before doing this.” Guilt snapped at his heels.

“I can talk to them if you tell me what you want.” Richie said.

Jon tapped another text. “No, no we’ll be fine. She’s just panicking and that’s normal. She’s safe. I know she’s safe.”

“Okay,” Richie said as they walked into the elevator.

Jon popped his knuckles and checked his phone but she hadn’t replied. He took a deep breath and composed himself when the doors opened at the top floor. Don and Aria studios had been the band’s first choice for mixing some of the songs for the album once they were done. They’d do the raw stuff out in Sanctuary in Jersey, but the album needed some of Don’s magic polish at the end.

They met Don and got down to business, paperwork and crunched numbers and timeframes. They still had writing to do to make the deadline of November for the album release.

It was a tight time frame and the events with Devon had put him on the back foot but he was confident he could still get there.

“This sounds good Don, I’m really pleased with the proposal.” Jon’s phone buzzed in his pocket but he ignored it. When it buzzed the second time he shifted and Richie raised his eyebrow.

“Great, Jon. You know we’re looking forward to having you guys in here again.”

“Sorry. I’ll be one second.” His phone’s buzz was longer indicating it was ringing in his pocket.

“Hello.” He answered it as he ducked around the corner.

“Jon? How long are you going to be? Are you sure Dad’s ok? He’s not here yet.”

The fear in her voice made him want to run right out of there and home but he took a deep breath. “Dev, he’s fine. There was paperwork and things to get done, but I’m sure once they do that he’ll be there. I’m nearly done, baby. I’ll be home soon.”

“Soon? Like twenty minutes? An hour?”

Jon checked his watch. “Thirty maybe. But you’re safe right?”

“Yeah, I am but I-” She paused and Jon closed his eyes.

“You don’t want to be alone.”


He blew out his breath. She was being honest and that’s all he ever asked for. “I shouldn’t have left you. I’m sorry. I’ll be there soon, okay?”

“Thanks. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. I’ll be there soon.”

He hung up and rubbed his face tiredly. What if she didn’t come out of this? He had a tour to consider next year. How would she cope with that? He’d have to take her with him. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing, but he knew it wasn’t Devon to be so dependent. He wanted the old Devon back, but he had to be patient. And he and patience had never had a good relationship.


  1. Oh man... she needs professional help, STAT.

  2. Devon is showing signs of PTSD, Jon needs to get Devon to see a therapist, immediately.
    Jon you need to find a way to learn how to deal with a clingy Devon, hopefully after some therapy she will go back to her old self.
    Great chapter Kiwi

  3. Hope Devon is ok. They might need a quick trip home for her to recoup and see her mum too!! That would be a great distraction!! Great chapter!


  4. Aww Jon is trying hard and must feel helpless knowing him. I think he needs to distract her with something amazing too!

  5. Awww..Poor Devon...yeah I agree...she may be gonna need some help....especially if it means we get more story...*wink*....I know..I know...its gotta end but..... I dont have to be happy about it....*sigh*...good job Kiwi... :~)

  6. My heart breaks for Devon....She has so much going on and being alone isn't helping her at the moment. I'm sure Jon feels helpless right now with what Devon is going through, but, Devon will come around Jon just has to be patient.

    Thanks, Kiwi, for making my Friday Morning!!!! :)

    Can't wait to

  7. Patience is a virtue! Jon treading on eggshells is not something I can easily imagine. Hope it's not too long till Devon is back to her old self and they can take a break from the Big Apple together.


Will you share her secret?