Monday, October 24, 2011

Chapter Thirty-Two: Meet the Parents


This was not how you wanted to meet your boyfriend’s family and make a good or lasting impression. She loved that she could be herself around Jon and the see-saw of sexual tension between them kept things fun against their busy lives. She hadn't felt this way in over anything in years, he excited her and scared her all at the same time. She straightened her dress and her heels clicked on the cobblstones as she followed Jon to the entrance of the restaurant. Wearing the red shoes had been an evil idea of hers since he always teased her mercilessly but it had backfired once again, she was more wound up than a spinning top.

They were uptown and now standing in front of a simple but elegant black door. "This is it?"

Jon chuckled and took her hand. "Doesn't look like much does it? But it’s all part of the exclusiveness and the mystery of what's behind the door."

"Why? What is behind the door?" Was it Willy Wonka's chocolate factory? The building had no windows facing the street, just cold grey stone walls. 

"Understated luxury. It shouldn't be a surprise to you that this is my mother's favourite place in New York."

The door was held open by a man that was dressed in a neatly pressed black suit and bow-tie. "Good evening." 

They climbed some polished wooden steps up to a landing where another suited man met them and held open a French door. The view was breath-taking. Polished gold gleamed and crystal-drop chandeliers twinkled above her as she stepped into the restaurant. "Welcome to Charlies." Jon whispered as he took her coat handed them off to the attendant. 

"Charlie's? Really? It's called something that simple when it's this breath-taking."  Each table was set with a pristine white table cloth, fine silverware and immaculate glassware. White pillar candles with a subtle sprig of rosemary were the centrepieces on each table. 

"I feel like Cinderella." She hadn't meant to say that out loud but she eased when he smiled.

"You have the shoes." Jon winked and squeezed her hand as they made their way across the room. 

"There's my boy!" 

"Dad, hey!" They hugged and she stood back as an older man with silver hair that looked like Jon, but shorter and a little more stout. He smiled broadly and that she knew was Jon's father immediately as his charismatic smile flashed at her over Jon's shoulder.

"And you must be Devon. Wow. You are a cutie." He smiled warmly as he took her hand and popped a kiss on her cheek.

"Devon this is my one and only father John, Dad this is Devon." 

"It's lovely to meet you John."

"Likewise, my son was lying when he said you were gorgeous. You're a wee stunner."

She blushed and smiled. "That's very kind."

"Where's Mom?" 

"Over there talking with some of the ladies, you know how she is."

Jon laughed. "That I do, and my loveable brothers?"

"Matt's on his way but he's coming alone and Tony can't make it, he's doing some filming that's got a deadline for tonight. C'mon lets get a drink."

She already loved the way Jon was around his father, they were like two old souls so easy around each other just like family should be. She rubbed the pang in her chest and ignored the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she followed them to the bar. They embraced just the way her father used to embrace her and they smiled at each other like old friends. 

She'd done it again, she wasn't aware she'd slipped into Devon-land as John Snr was grinning at her like a Cheshire cat. "Gosh, sorry where are my manners?"

He scooped his arm around her shoulders and led her up to the bar. "I said, now what can I get the lady to drink? You really are a sweet thing."

God. How hard was it not to warm to him instantly? She wasn't used to that as she'd played with her shields for so long so she didn't trust the easy feeling but on the other-hand it was like the feeling when she was with Jon, so clearly it ran in the family. "Just a white wine will be lovely."

He chuckled and winked at Jon. "How can you not love that accent?"

Jon ordered the three of them wine and then waved as another man--she guessed was his brother walked in. He was taller, broader and had dark hair. He had the same walk and million dollar smile as Jon did, okay maybe half a million.

"Matty." Jon and Matt slapped a handshake and embraced in a pat-down hug. 

"They get on now, but you should have seen them when they were kids. Matty used to lock Jon in the basement until he cried."

Devon snorted as she took a sip of wine. "You're joking?" She could never imagine Jon being bullied even if it was his siblings. 

"Nope. Cry-baby. And he was the oldest." John Snr whispered as he wiggled his eyebrows and took a sip of his beer.

"Devon, this is my brother Matt." Jon hooked an arm around his neck. "Matt, meet Devon."

"Hi Devon, so how much is he paying you?"

Jon jabbed his elbow into his side. "Hey."

Devon took Matt's hand and shook it and grinned. "Enough so I don't lock him in any basements." 

Jon's eyes went wide and he pointed accusingly at his father. "You've known her two minutes c'mon Pop, two minutes!"

Matt clapped his hands together and laughed. "I like you already Devon."

Whew. Her shoulders eased as she took another sip of wine, so far so good. If she was this terrified about his family, what the hell was tommorow going to be like with the media? Matt greeted his father the way Jon had and she felt oddly at home.

"So how's the writing coming baby brother? Do I need to clear my schedule for a tour in the next year?" Matt asked Jon as he took the beer from his father.

Jon shrugged. "Hard to tell." He looked away and Devon knew instantly his mind had gone to the problems he'd mentioned with David. "But that is the plan, all going well."

Matt pointed to Jon. "Workaholic."

Jon laughed. "You're telling the wrong person. Devon is a very successful businesswoman and devotes a lot of her time to her clinic." God? Is that how he saw her? Someone married to her work? Hell, she was getting sensitive about something that was half-true and meant as a compliment. She needed to settle down so she tipped the wine glass back.

"Yes, guilty as charged."

"My wife says it’s quite the place." John Snr chimed in.

"And my wife wants to come and visit you." Matt added.

She half-smiled. "Well thank you, that's very kind. I do my best and I have incredible staff."

The waiter walked over and announced their table was ready so John Snr and Matt started to drift to the main dining area. Jon wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed his lips to the side of her head. "Relax, they're just my family."

He tugged her in, out of view and lifted her chin and met her gaze. "You're doing great." She closed her eyes as his lips buzzed over hers and his warmth centred her again. 

She rested her cheek on his shoulder as his hand drifted down to the small of her back. "They're great Jon."

"You're only saying that because you can gang up with them against me."

She giggled and closed her eyes for a second. She used to do that with her Dad all the time.

"You ok?"

She shoved her memories away and stood back and forced the smile. "Perfect."

His gaze drifted down her and his smile grew wider as it reached her shoes. "Damn you for wearing those here woman."

The butterflies in her stomach eased as she trailed her fingertip down the middle of his tie. "And you think I'm easy."

He lifted her hand to his lips and grinned. "I don't think it, I know it." He kissed it and then led her into the dining area where his family were seated. 

The men all stood as she came to table as Jon slid out her chair. "Mom, you remember Devon."

Carol was dressed in a turquoise dress with a white shrug, jewels glittered around her neck and diamond drops hung from her ears. "Of course I do. I was just telling Joan and Stefania how we were going to book into her salon for the spa day she's organizing, that is still coming along right dear?" 

She flattened the linen napkin in her lap and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Yes, most definitely. I'm already to launch them and have just approved the final copy that marketing produced but I wanted to ask you something first." 

Carol raised one of her manicured eyebrows. "Oh?" She motioned for the waiter to pour the wine.

"I was wondering if you'd do me the honour of being the first and if you enjoy it with the ladies also, you write a testimonial I can use for future copy."

"Like an endorsement honey?"

"Well, I guess yes but as an informal one."

Carol lifted the glass to her lips to taste the wine, mulled over it for a few seconds and then nodded to the waiter giving him approval to continue. She was seated opposite Devon so she clasped her hands together neatly on the edge of the table and pursed her lips. "I will, of course if I'm satisfied." 

Devon picked up her wine and grinned confidently. "You will be." 

The smile twitched at the corners of Carol's lips and she picked up the menu. 

Jon winked at her and mouthed. 'Nice one.'

The small confidence boost settled her and she managed to listen as the family caught up with each other until the appetizers came. Carol had ordered for the table and she suspected that was how it went when Carol was in town, she didn't mind as woman had exceptional and grandiose taste. The best thing was mostly the dinner wasn't a probing of her and her intentions with their son, and in fact it was far from it. The questions John Snr asked about her home country and her life in New York were very genuine. 

"So I hear you're going along with Jon tomorrow night." John Snr commented the waiter cleared away the first course and Jon and Matt talked amongst themselves.

"Yes, I am. I have to admit that I am new to all of that kind of scene." She didn't want to let her guard down but she found John's father was so easy to talk to and she found herself wanting to more. It had been something she'd missed, simple family interaction. She'd heard all her staff talk about their families and especially around the holidays it was always harder to hear what people had planned and of course then when they got back to work she always got the play by play of the events. She did love hearing about it all and it filled the void, mostly. 

"So I was thinking, Devon and I could go into business." John Snr teased as he took her hand and his thumb brushed over the top of her hand. 

"I'm a brilliant hairdresser."


"How do you think Jon had fabulous hair back in the eighties.”?

"Nooooo. Really? I'd never have known!"

Jon leaned back in his chair and shook his head as his dad spun her stories of how he used to take care of his son's most famous locks. 

"I had no idea, that's brilliant.

Her purse buzzed so she discreetly checked her phone while the drinks were topped up.

I can't stop thinking about those shoes. I want to do bad things to you.

Her eyes lowered and she shifted in her seat. Out of the corner of her eye she could feel a set of eyes on her. Her tongue rolled into her cheek and she tapped quickly a response.

You'll have to wait, we're at dinner. 

Before she could slide her phone back into her purse it buzzed again. He must have had it under the table out of sight.

Dessert? I know a nice deserted courtyard.

She didn't look up and instead she replied trying to hide the smile.

I'd prefer the Tiramisu.


Is that code for something?

She stifled a laugh and then realized John Snr was sitting back in his chair grinning at her. Crap.

Carol stood up and picked up her purse. "We're going to the ladies to powder our noses. If you'll excuse us." She nodded to Devon.

Uh, we? She grabbed her purse, stood and Jon grinned at her.  Busted.

"Uh, yes excuse me." Because apparently she was going too. She followed Carol along the back of the restaurant and her phone buzzed her hand again. 

You're in trouble ;)

She was going to kill him later, she swore to god. How mature did she look now? Holy crap.

They walked into the powder room which was bigger than her living room and Carol lifted her lipstick out of her bag. Her eyes dropped to Devon's shoes and then she looked back at the mirror. 

Christ could she read the texts? She reached for her compact and touched up her cheeks in the warmly lit mirror. 

Carol snapped her lipstick closed and spritzed on some perfume. "I like you Devon. You seem genuinely nervous."

"Well, um this is all new to me." She really didn't know what to say or take from that, her boyfriends mother liked her though-that had to be good enough.

"I didn't say it was a bad thing." She clipped close her clutch. "Jon's dated some really entitled women. I don't happen to like entitled women."

If she'd been drinking she probably would have choked on it but instead she smiled because Carol Bongiovi wasn't at all entitled, noooo. And then again she was relieved she wasn't going to mention the texting incident as that would have been embarrassing. "Well I certainly don't take anything for granted if that's what you mean - god not that I am saying Jon does because he doesn't." She stumbled, breathed and quickly composed herself.

"He can be a brat. But I think you're good for him." Then something happened she didn't expect at all. Carol smiled. "But don't tell anyone I told you that." And then she dabbed a tissue on her neck and then walked out.

Devon stood there and closed her mouth. Carol Bongiovi may have been a shrewd woman but she was knew her people. It was comforting on one level to know she'd read Devon as genuine but unsettling on the other as she had a feeling given an inch, Carol would figure out she was hiding something, something big.


  1. Be afraid Devon, be very afraid!!

  2. Ohhh lets hope Mrs B doesn't get on that trail..... Love the txting, I can just picture that! Soooo good


  3. LOL - can't wait for dessert! And I'll bet Mrs B is gonna do some digging into Devon's background anytime soon!

  4. This post was the highlight of my day ~ Thank you! I love the, love, love the whole story!

    Now, let's get on to dessert!

    Another fantastic chapter!

  5. Love the way you've portrayed Jon's parents. I think his Dad's awesome. Just gotta watch out for momma bear :p

    Thanks for the update :)

  6. I love Jon's parent's they seem like very nice people, however, I am not trusting Carol at all. I think she could be a snake in the grass.

    Devon you better watch your back girl because no one else will!!!!!

  7. "You're in trouble" LOL, yes, Carol's right, he *is* a brat.

  8. Finally! I'm rushing out the door but just had to steal a few mins to read this! Yep! Carol is one shrewd lady! Now what the hell is the big secret?? Kiwi it's KILLING me!! :))

  9. Come on Carol back off he is a big boy and Jon time to grow a pair and put your mum in the picture that you are a big boy well past the age of consent, stop trying to win her approval and making your girl friends have to as well it is pathetic. Be a man.
    That was for Jon not you please keep writing loving the story

  10. What is your secret, Devon? Mrs. B will figure it out, so you'd better spill it to Jon!
    Loved the texting.

  11. Lmao
    Nice texting moments. The boy does know how to torture
    And winning over the aloof Carol is a feat in itself.
    And John snr....sigh. Reminds me of my dad the smooth talker lol
    I love her little pangs of homesickness that you slipping there too. More mystery to unravel.

  12. Good Job T!

    I'd love to know what Devon's BIG secret is! It's just killing me!!!

    Now if Blogger can actually update me when it's supposed to, I'd be one happy camper! (It waited a week!)



Will you share her secret?